How to fix google chrome untitled blank page
When I try to access a web site through Google Chrome. Doesn't work in any way. It’s showing google chrome untitled and a blank page. I have tried to enter many web sites. But it doesn't work • Let's see how to fix it • Now close the Google Chrome browser. Right-click on the Google Chrome icon. Then go to properties. Inside the shortcut tab. Here rename the text with Add -no-sandbox. Then click Apply. Then click the OK button. Then restart your computer. • ********************************************************************************************* • If you are really interested in my video please follow me on YouTube and Facebook • …………………………………………………………………………………………………. • YOUTUBE: / channel • FACEBOOK GROUP: / 411530109484518 • • FACEBOOK PAGE: / itmagicsbd • ………………………………………………………………………………………………….. • Background music: / channel