THE BEST FREE DRUM KIT FOR RampB Making FIRE RampB Beats From Scratch
THE BEST FREE DRUM KIT FOR R B?! | Making FIRE R B Beats From Scratch! • In this video I make a fire R B beat with my brand new drum kit LEGACY. I take you through the entire R B beat making process in FL Studio 20.7 including making the melody from scratch, the drums, and discuss the arrangement at the end. • Over the past year or so, I've been learning and experimenting with sound design. I didn't have intentions on getting into the sound design / drum kit world, but after trying it, I've found it to be really fulfilling. • I hope those of you that are out there that aren't able to find or afford quality drum kits can use my free kit to improve your beats. This video is excellent for beginner FL Studio producers as well as advanced users. • Feeling this content? Help me grow! Subscribe here: • • FL Studio R B Tutorials for you to binge (Playlist): • • R B Tutorials • • Questions? Let's link up, hit me on IG: @natetheproducerbeats • Send fire loops to collabwithnate@gmail for collabs. • • #RnBFLStudio #FLStudio #FreeRNBDrumkit • • • Free R B drum kit, fl studio r b with free drum kit, r b fl studio from scratch r b melodies, how to make r b beats in fl studio, how to make beats with stock plugins only, beat making, fl studio 20, making beats in fl studio, beat making vlog.