Beyond Scared Straight kids that never changed


Beyond Scared Straight kids that never changed • Beyond Scared Straight is an A E reality T.V series that follows teenagers who spend a day in prison to learn from the inmates the realities of living an incarcerated life. This is an article that explains why Beyond Scared Straight and related programs do not work and are not beneficial. • According to Professor James Finckenauer, Ph.D., from Rutgers University School of Criminal Justice, Beyond Scared Straight doesn’t work. When looking at the effectiveness of such programs, one of the things we need to consider is the idea of deterrence in regards to thinking and behavior in relations to children. • The Beyond Scared Straight program relies on the concept of vicarious deterrence. Essentially, this is the notion that a person, in this case, a youth, will avoid a negative behavior by experiencing what happened to others who effectuated the same behavior. Although useful to some adults, when this notion is utilized on young people it requires that they think about the future. According to Dr. Finckenauer, kids don’t typically think like that. In one of his addresses, he claimed that kids don’t usually think long-term. He followed that statement by saying that most children are typically impulsive and think short term when it comes to punitive measures being taken regarding an action they have made. • #BeyondScaredStraight #PrisonDocumentry #BeyondScaredStraightKids


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