Nuga Best T11 Mat
Check out the newest Nuga Best T11 Mat! Very effective for people with insomnia. Decrease your muscle pain and stress, become more relaxed, sleep better at night, become more energetic and productive during the day! Become the better version of yourself! • Buy it here: • This product from Nuga Best, is the latest update on a series of mats based on the world's first Nano Diamond Tourmanium Product: the Nuga Best Mats from Nuga Medical Co. Ltd. Nuga Best is the number one top brand globally speaking, when it comes to self-healing and self-massaging devices, and of course more importantly: self-prevention! • You are probably wondering what Nano Diamond Tourmanium (NDT) is and what its properties and capabilities are. So let's start with a general product description and the materials it use: • The main bottom frame is constructed of 10 layers of carbon fiber. There are many other reasons why we use carbon fiber: • Very elastic and flexible, it will not break you fold it or wrap it, it is super durable, and virtually incapable of breaking. The Nuga Best T11 mat can easily be folded into a roll. • Very light in terms of weight, the weight of the mat is only 15 lbs (or 6.8 kgs). • The energy efficiency is on average 30% higher then other fabrics. Due to the energy efficiency, the mat is designed to conduct heat, it will consume less electricity. • Tourmanium NDT Nano-ceramics: • The Nuga Best T11 Mat is furthermore constructed of an upper layer of Nano-Ceramic Tourmanium NDT stones, as you can see on the product pictures. The upper layer of the mat is littered with very special stones in a very precise and accurate way using high-tech technology. This in order it will fit perfectly in relation to the back and the spine of a human being. • Tourmanium NDT Nano-ceramics have very special capabilities: • • 1. High heat conductivity: • Tourmanium NDT is incorporated in all products of Nuga Best, making it a pleasant one generated far-infrared heat, which is transferred directly to the human skin. This is because the heat conduction of NDT is very high (5 times higher than copper). This makes the Nuga Best appliances consuming little electricity, and electricity costs will be very low while using Nuga Best products. Thanks to NDT and its rapid heat conduction, the Nuga know Best products have a very rapid temperature rise. Due to this rapid rise in temperature, you immediately get an effect of improved well-being. Through the rising body temperature, the expansion of body tissue and the bloodstream dilation the waste products are dissolved. This creates blood purification. Moreover, this process is also good against cholesterol, ensures a more optimal metabolism in the body, an improved digestion and thereby boosts the immune system. • 2. Thermal stability: • The heat remains stable for a long time thanks to the conductive properties of NDT, which ensures an effective increase in blood circulation in the veins. This is because thanks to the heat therapy the • dilate blood vessels, which in turn causes increased blood vessel elasticity in the long run term. This thermal therapy is also very healthy for the capillaries, as the heat therapy causes the temperature of the blood to rise. The muscles will also grow better relaxed, which of course has a reducing effect. The heat massage also causes the mitochondria (energy production centers in the body cells) are stimulated, this ensures natural anti-inflammatories. • 3. High electrical insulation: • Tourmanium NDT not only conducts heat, but is also an insulator for it electromagnetic waves (just like rubber, for example). Electrical energy can be materials made of NDT does not penetrate. In other words, it is a ceramic insulator. When insulators are exposed to a high enough voltage, in other words an electric field will be applied across an insulating material (namely Tourmanium NDT). This electric field will exceed the threshold breakdown field of the NDT at some point. This causes the insulating NDT to suddenly become a conductor, causing a large increase in the current, an electric arc through the material, is created. Electric breakdown occurs when the electric field in the material is strong enough to be free to accelerate charge carriers (electrons and ions, which are always present in low concentrations) to a speed high enough to knock electrons out of atoms when they strike them, resulting in the atoms are ionized. Air molecules get a extra electron (negative ionization). Ionization can, among other things, cause cell regeneration occurs. This also reduces allergic and neurodermatic or atopic reactions eczema. • Contact us: • E-mail: [email protected] • Tel (USA): +1 (315) 215-3586 • Tel (UK): +44 1865 600957 • Twitter: / nugabestonline • Facebook: / nugabestwebshop • Webshop: • Copyright © Nuga Best Online