The effects of COVID19 on genderbased violence GBV


Crises, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, can increase the risk of women and girls to experience gender-based violence. Everyone can take action to prevent GBV! The video provides information on the link between COVID-19 and GBV and the important role governments, civil society, media, private sector companies and development partners can play to address GBV. In addition, it informs women and children who are at risk of experiencing GBV, or who have already experienced it, about where to seek information or services. This includes a list of helplines from 16 SADC member states. Seeking services can reduce the consequences of violence on the well-being, health and safety of women and children. • This video has been produced by the GIZ programme Partnerships for Prevention of Violence against Women and Girls in Southern Africa (PfP) in collaboration with the Gender Unit of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). Further information: • • Subscribe here to our channel:    / gizonlinetv   • Als erfahrener Dienstleister der internationalen Zusammenarbeit für nachhaltige Entwicklung und internationalen Bildungsarbeit engagiert sich die GIZ weltweit für eine lebenswerte Zukunft. Weitere Infos unter: • As a service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development and international education work, GIZ is dedicated to shaping a future worth living around the world. • Further information here: • Follow us on: • LinkedIn   / gizgmbh   • Twitter   / giz_gmbh  


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