4K Ultra HD Budget Camcorder Review

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=luqF2yQrOpE

Ok so let me start out by saying that I was truly amazed at the quality of the camera. I was pleased with the ease of use and the long life of the battery. I did give this 5 stars in each category however the sound on the microphone could have been a little better and it is with a added microphone but for the size of the microphone is why I chose to give it a 5 star rating. Just like the description says its not a high quality camera but for 150.00 its a very good deal. I was plesed how durable it feels and how intuitive the screen is. As far as the remote goes I didn't have any problems with using it, it did exactly what its supposed to do. If your looking for a camcorder that you can take good footage and not be too concerned about messing up then by all means I think this is a good item. I did review this camcorder in full detail on my youtube page because I felt like it was worthy of a video to itself. • Amazon Link to the camera click here....https://amzn.to/2SA7OZg


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