Galvalume® vs Galvanized Which is Better
Carolina Coops best-selling chicken coop, the American Coop, is custom-made in an 8-foot width. The henhouse is 8' x 6' and the overall footprint is 8' x 24'. This walk-in coop is in Fredericksburg, VA and the customer had the ground prepared in advance, so the run-off water in the landscape would empty into a French drain and be carried away from the coop to mitigate any flooding in the run area. • This has all the standard features of our American Coop, except it is wider and longer. It also has a Dutch door, HDPE in the henhouse, custom roost bars made from cedar branches (on the owner's property), a heated poultry watering system with rain barrel, and two 5-gang egg hutches. The wider size makes this coop able to comfortably accommodate more chickens. And because the coop is wider it's also taller than an average American Coop and the inside henhouse window is split, which allow us to ship it flat anywhere in the world. • • 919-794-3989