Lavra Stories New time 19th20th centuries


Greetings! You are at the beginning of a new era, the third period of interactive journeys through the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. • Here, you will learn about the traces of Modernist and Byzantine art in the Lavra, theology in colors, and how to remain true to beauty and stay human during times of terrible calamities. This story will be shared with you by Nestor the Painter of the Ukrainian people, Ivan Yizhakevych, a man of creativity. A truly wonderful person. • Petro Kurinny, the director of the All-Ukrainian Museum Complex, a man of will, will tell you about the heroic efforts of those who saved the national cultural heritage and preserved the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra complex. Thanks to them, you can experience all of this today. • You will hear about the empire's struggle against the Kyiv tradition, about faith and loyalty unto death, the battle of the new empire with religion, and the fate of the Lavra monks during those dark times. The nameless Monk will share with you who holds the future of the Lavra in their hands. • You will also learn about the remarkable restorer Arkadiy Marampolskyi, his incredible discoveries and saved treasures, the challenges of the profession, and the emotions that lie behind the thoroughness of restorers, as told by Valentina Marampolskaya and an imagined student of real restorers. • Choose one of the routes. If you haven’t yet experienced the previous periods, it’s worth starting with them. The journeys through the Kyivan era begin at the main entrance to the Lavra, the Holy Gates. The routes through the Lithuanian-Cossack era begin on Economic Street, which leads from the side entrance, through the All-Saints Church, to the Assumption Cathedral. • The project was implemented #withsupportfromUKF together with #freegenGO and #GOdigitalizationofTourismandCulture, in partnership with the team of the National Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Historical and Cultural Reserve #Lavra #DigitalTour #VirtualUkraine #UkraineResilience #CultureWithoutBorders #digitourism #digitalculture • The project was implemented #запідтримкиУКФ together with #freegenGO and #ГОЦифровізаціяТуризмутаКультури, in partnership with the team of the National Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra Historical and Cultural Reserve #Лавра #ЦифровийТур #УкраїнаВіртуальна #НезламністьУкраїни #КультураБезМеж #цифратуризму #цифровакультура • 📩 Write to us: [email protected][email protected] • 🌐 Learn more: • We offer to create interesting walking quest routes and excursions exclusively for you on the FreeGen GO platform. We will develop interactive journeys for your order and your scenarios of digital adventure and travel missions. • We offer guides to earn money together, from you - scripts of author's excursions and quest routes from us placement on the FreeGen GO platform. We also offer a white label of the entire application for cloning the tourist platform of walking routes in other cities and countries, in different languages. We are waiting for your requests at   / freegen.go   • Development Director Vitryana Lyudmila +380973210022. We are waiting for your requests. • © All materials of the article are protected by copyright FreeGenGO When using theses, especially in presentations, dissertations and theses, a link to the article is required to eliminate conflicts of “plagiarism monitoring”. • Founder and investor of the FreeGenGO route platform • Zozulya Yuriy . •   / yzozul  


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