Kaesong Industrial Complex Shutdown Onset interview
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개성공단 폐쇄 전문가 대담: 국립외교원 김현욱 박사 • For an expert's view on the latest series of events today surrounding the inter-Korean joint industrial complex in Kaesong, Dr. Kim Hyun-wook, professor at Korea National Diplomatic Academy joins us live in the studio. • Professor Kim, the two Koreas appear to be in a tit-for-tat escalation of measures at this point. North Korea vowed to expel South Korean workers from Kaesong, and seize the assets of companies operating there... as South Korea companies were already starting to withdraw managers, equipment and stock. • What are North Korea's intentions? • Was South Korea expecting such measures by North Korea and so quickly, too? • Asset freeze. Basically, what North Korea has said is that whatever South Koreans could take with them... whatever they can by 5:30 p.m. • We know there are lots of costly equipment and inventory there at the Kaesong industrial complex... that canNOT be moved to the south of border so easily. • This reminds us of what happened back in 2010, when North Korea seized all assets owned by the South Korean government and froze those held by private firms at Mt. Kumgang. • Is the latest measure by Pyongyang something of that scale? How will this hit South Korean firms that were operating at the Kaesong Industrial Complex? • Drawing from what we've learned from the Mt. Kumgang case, what can the South Korean government do to minimize the losses for South Korean firms that had operations at the joint park? • What does this mean for future inter-Korean relations? North Korea has declared the Kaesong Industrial Park zone a mililtary control area, it has cut off military communication lines at the inter-Korean border of Panmunjom... called the South's move to suspend operations at the Kaesong Industrial Park a declaration of war. • What do we expect from here on forth? • Professor Kim Hyun-wook, thank you indeed for coming into our studio and speaking with us tonight. • Visit ‘Arirang News’ Official Pages • Facebook(NEWS): / newsarirang • Homepage: http://www.arirang.com • Facebook: / arirangtv • Twitter: / arirangworld • Instagram: / arirangworld