Download Faster Than Ever with qBittorrent Secret Settings Revealed
This video tutorial provides instructions on how to optimize qBittorrent settings for faster download speeds. Specifically focuses on improving performance for users with slower ADSL internet connections. • Here are the key steps covered in the video: • 00:24 Check and adjust general settings: Verify that the DCP UTP protocol is selected under Downloads and Connections. Ensure the Maximum active downloads and Maximum active uploads are set to your desired limits. • 00:45 Configure speed limits: Adjust the upload and download speed limits based on your internet connection. The speaker recommends limiting uploads for slower connections. • 01:48 Enable additional trackers: Add more trackers to your downloads by copying and pasting a list from the website torrent tracker This can help increase download speed and stability. • Facebook Page: • / peterontech • Blog Step-by-Step • • ☕ • Buy Me A Coffee •