Volkan İncüvez Quartet Köprü Ortasında
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=lwnzxROqUcc
Gitar Vokal: Volkan İncüvez • Synth Elektronik: Orhun Canca • Bas Gitar: Samet Tulça • Davul: Fırat Şık • Aranje : Volkan İncüvez • Türkü : Anonim • Label : Lin Records • PÜR RECORDİNG STUDİO • Kayıt Miks: Ozan Öner • Kayıt Asistanı: Berat İşçioğlu • Mastering: Barış Büyük • Kapak tasarım: Ezgi Yener İncüvez • Kapak fotoğraf: Bence Boros • Kameralar: Canberk Uluşan, Buğra Sarıaltun • Kurgu: Tunahan Bilgin • VOLKAN İNCÜVEZ QUARTET • Gitar ve vokallerde Volkan İncüvez, bas gitarda Samet Tulça, tuşlu ve elektroniklerde Orhun Canca, davulda Fırat Şık’tan oluşan Volkan İncüvez Quartet; Anadolu'daki ritmik ve melodik yapıları; doğaçlama sololar, taksimler, makamsal armonizasyonlar ile quartet müziğine uyarlıyor. Fikirlerini geleneksel müzikten alıp bu müziği, modern armoni ve aranjeler, elektronik soundlar ile bas gitar, gitar, sytnh ve davul entstrümanlarıyla yorumluyor. Bir müziğin armonik yapıda olmasa da armonik karakter taşıdığına inanan İncüvez, kullandığı temaların veya geleneksel halk ezgilerinin kendi işitsel etkilerinin ve duygularının dışına çıkmamayı hedefleyen bir armoni, sound ve düzenleme anlayışı gözeterek, o armonik karakteri ortaya çıkarmayı amaçlıyor. Tarihi halk ezgilerini ve kendi bestelerini yorumlarken dinleyenlere elektronik tınılar ile modern müzik öğelerinin, makamsal kökler ile kesişiminde özgün bir deneyim sunuyor. Bu doğrultuda Quartet, icrada bazen öze küçülerek; bazen de yabancılaşarak kimliklerinden arınıyor. Volkan İncüvez Quartet'in adeta bir ritüel gibi gerçekleştirdikleri performanslarında, nihai amaçları ise trans halinde sıhhate kavuşmak oluyor. • Başka bir deyişle; melodi ve armonilerini kara parçalarında büyütüp, bir rotası olmadan semada dolanıp, duygularını denizin dibine bırakıyorlar. • VOLKAN İNCÜVEZ QUARTET • Volkan Incuvez Quartet, Volkan Incuvez on guitar and vocals, Samet Tulça on bass, Orhun Canca on keyboard and electronics, Fırat Şık on drums; adapts the rhythmic and melodic structures of Anatolia to quartet music with improvised solos, taksims and modal harmonizations. The band inspires from traditional music, interprets it with modern harmonies, arrangements, electronic sounds and performs with the bass guitar, guitar, synths and drums. İncüvez believes that a music has a harmonic character, even if it is not in a harmonic structure; targets to bring out the harmony, sound and arrangement understanding without going beyond its own auditory effects and emotions from the themes or traditional folk melodies and aims to reveal the harmonic character. While interpreting historical folk melodies and his own compositions, he offers the audience a genuine experience in the intersection of electronic sounds and modern musical elements with their modal roots. In this sense, the Quartet is freeing itself from their identities by diminishing to the essence and sometimes by alienating while performing. In the Quartet’s performances, which are almost like a ritual; their ultimate goal is to create a sense of well-being in the state of trance. • In other words, they nourish melodies and harmonies on the mainlands, cruise in the heavens without a route and release their sensation deep down to the bottom of the sea. • Who is Volkan İncüvez? • Volkan İncüvez, while performing traditional and modal music with instruments such as reed, vocals, caglama, fretless and electric guitars, he creates modern textures extending to a different musical depth in each project. His first album, Kün (2019), depicts a space-time traveling with the journey of breath in the reed. While it appears as the first reed recording in the polyphonic concept, it is also creating an extraordinary experience for the audience where the astrophysics and mysticism meet. His second solo album, Mahal (2019), emulates a Classic Turkish Music performance which is focused on the core. Leaving aside the loss of the traditional attitude of the 20th century, he adopts a much simpler style. The repertoire, performed with reed and classical fretless guitar, extends from Sultan Selim III (b. 1761) to Gevheri Sultan Fatma Osmanoğlu (b. 1904). İncüvez, while continues to perform and produce in bands and solo projects such as Hepyek, Derun, Debdebe, Ebren Trio, Kırkbinsinek, Gözyaşı Çetesi, this time he published “Live Session I” recording as “Volkan İncüvez Quartet” which introduces his own compositions and arrangements. • Spotify: • https://open.spotify.com/album/3GdZza... • • Apple Music: • / album . • • http://www.volkanincuvez.com/ • / volkan-incuvez • https://volkanincuvez.bandcamp.com/ • / volkanincuvez • / volkanincuvez • / viquartet • / viquartet • #ViQuartet