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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Causes and Risk Factors • Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by an increase in pressure within the carpal tunnel, which leads to compression of the median nerve as it travels across the wrist into the palm through the carpal tunnel. • In most cases, this increase in pressure inside the carpal tunnel is difficult to attribute to one cause. Typically, multiple factors are at play that result in the pressure on the nerve: • Anatomical changes and differences: The carpal tunnel opening is too narrow • Some people may have smaller than average carpal tunnel size, which could run in families • Women, on average, have smaller carpal tunnel size than men and are more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome • Bones and joints could change shape over time due to diseases such as osteoarthritis or trauma to the wrist • Swelling and inflammation: When tissues in and around the carpal tunnel swell up, they could press on the median nerve. Swelling and inflammation could result from: • Frequent, repetitive movements with the hands • Extending or flexing the wrist for long periods of time • Rheumatoid arthritis and other conditions that cause inflammation in the joints • Hormonal or metabolic changes (for example, menopause, pregnancy or thyroid imbalance) • Other contributing factors: • Changes in blood sugar levels (may be seen with type 2 diabetes) • Other conditions or injuries of the wrist (for example, strain, sprain, dislocation or break) • Obesity • #carpaltunnelsyndrome #carpaltunnel #wristpain #physicaltherapy #migraine #handpain #neckpain #painrelief #pain #chronicpain #wellness #fibromyalgia #injury #rehab #tenniselbow #recovery #endometriosis #pcos #weightlossjourney #fitbit #weightloss #healthyeating #mybodymyjourney #renphoscale #journeytolose #myjourney #kidneystones #followmyjourney #fallcleaneatingchallenge #hysterectomyg


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