How to fold a hoop skirt crinoline petticoat 4
[UPDATE: Hi everyone. So I found two videos showing a much easier technique to fold hoop skirts. It's by other Youtubers. • Cara Melipat Petticoat /How to fold p... • • How to pack the crinoline • Check it out!] • FOR A DETAIL STEP-BY-STEP INSTRUCTION ON HOW TO FOLD DIFFERENT TYPES OF PETTICOATS, SEE • How To Fold 3-hoops, 2-hoops, Train, ... • Taken from youku ( • Credits to • When folding the petticoat, hold it like the guy in the video did, and do it fast/swiftly. Don't stop or hesitate in the middle or you won't make it. The loop will form automatically when you do it swiftly. But you may stop when it comes to the last loop where you will carefully align insert it into the already formed loops. I suggest that you practice with car sunscreen hoop first to get the idea of what I'm talking about. • Lastly, do not be afraid of giving a bit of force or push in folding your petticoat. You will be surprised at how flexible it is. Once you give it a bit of force, it will automatically molds into multiple loops which enter/align within themselves. • P/S: If you notice, that guy actually follows the same 'number 8' shape way of folding petticoat that you so often read on the internet. He use both of his hand to stretch and form the 'number 8' before quickly flipping and inserting one end of the 'number 8' to another, forming the final 'O' shape.