Charles Colsons Call to Christians
Charles Chuck Colson's call to Christians to get serious about their faith, so they can understand it and live it. In this way the world will see the love, and hope that is the Gospel message. • Chuck Colson was a popular and widely known author, speaker, and radio commentator. A former presidential aide to Richard Nixon, founder of the international ministry Prison Fellowship and founder of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, he wrote several books that have shaped Christian thinking, including Born Again, Loving God, How Now Shall We Live?, The Good Life, and The Faith. His radio broadcast BreakPoint airs daily to two million listeners. • The Faith is a small group Bible study for our troubled times and for decades to come, for Christians and non-Christians alike. Chuck Colson and Gabe Lyons will lead you through six thought-provoking, soul-searching, and powerful sessions on the great, historical central truths of Christianity that have sustained believers through the centuries. Brought to immediacy with vivid, true stories, here is what Christianity is really about and why it is a religion of hope, redemption, and beauty. • Available at your local retailer and online here: • - • - • - • Six sessions include: • 1. What is Christianity? • 2. The Fall and God's Response • 3. The Cross and Reconciliation • 4. The Nature of God • 5. The Community of God • 6. The Joy of Orthodoxy