How to Write an Essay Step 2 Get a Thesis 60second Recap®
How to Write a Great Essay. A 60second Recap® Study Guide Video mini-tutorial by Jenny Sawyer. How to Write a Great Essay | Step 2: Get a Thesis | Be sure to watch the entire How to Write a Great Essay playlist ( and SUBSCRIBE • Follow us on Twitter: / 60secondrecap • Circle us on Google+: • Like us on Facebook: / 60secondrecap • Or just stop by and say hello: • Every great essay needs a strong thesis statement. What's a thesis statement? It's the opinion you're going to make a case for in your essay. But before you make a case for it, you have to know how to write that thesis statement. And before you can write that thesis statement, you have to know just what it is you want to say. 60sR got the scoop for you in this 60second Recap® on how to write an essay that says what you want it to say.