John Christner Trucking


Are you considering John Christner Trucking? Do you think that a John Christner Trucking Lease purchase may be right for you? I want you to consider a few things about John Christner Trucking before you sign on the line, that's all. John Christner Trucking is involved in a class action court case right now. Hundreds of drivers maintain that John Christner Trucking did not provide accurate settlements and many weeks they would work up to 100 hours and only make $500, sometimes they would make nothing at the end of the week. When 100s of drivers come together you should at least consider it. It is not like only one truck driver is posting somewhere about John Christner Trucking. They have a lease purchase pay calculator on their website in which you can enter your numbers and it will give you an approximate amount of money you will get after expenses for the week. When I entered 2500 miles in to the John Christner Trucking pay calculator, it said I would earn $1201 for the week after expenses. That is 48 cents a mile. Do you think that is good pay for a lease operator? You decide but at least get information before you sign up for a truck at John Christner Trucking or at any company. • Subscribe to Trucking Answers! • Have you read my blog? • • John Christner Trucking • • John Christner Trucking Pay estimator • • Court Case Information •


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