Places to see in Olbia Italy


Places to see in ( Olbia - Italy ) • Olbia is a coastal city in northeast Sardinia, Italy. It’s known for the medieval San Simplicio basilica, and for cafes dotting central squares like Piazza Matteotti. On the palm-lined waterfront to the east, the Museo Archeologico di Olbia has exhibits ranging from Nuragic artifacts to Roman warships. The hilltop Nuraghe Riu Mulinu is an archaeological complex with views of the Gulf of Olbia. • Often ignored in the mad dash to the Costa Smeralda, Olbia has more to offer than first meets the eye. Look beyond its industrial outskirts and you’ll find a fetching city with a centro storico (historic centre) crammed with boutiques, wine bars and cafe-rimmed piazzas. Olbia is a refreshingly authentic and affordable alternative to the purpose-built resorts stretching to the north and south. • Olbia is a port and airport town in the north-eastern corner of the island of Sardinia. The town has a long history, and although nowadays it is mostly seen as a transit town for travellers arriving in or leaving Sardinia, Olbia has enough charms to merit some attention in its own right. • Olbia has one or two important sights within the town, and its small historic core is a pleasant place to amble and to sit at a restaurant or bar. The town isn't expensive, and it makes a good base for a day or two - perhaps longer, if you are planning to take a boat trip, visit beaches or explore nearby sights. If you are travelling to or from Olbia Airport, it is certainly worth considering spending a few hours in the town itself. • The enigmatic Nuraghic culture of Sardinia - a Bronze-age people building in stone but leaving no written records - has left many traces around Olbia, some of which can be visited. The Phoenicians were probably the first to develop a settlement and port on the site of Olbia, subsequently occupied by the Greeks and Carthaginians, then conquered by Rome. Roman Olbia was attacked and its ships burned in the harbour by the Vandals in around 450AD. When Olbia finally rose from the ashes it was under a new name, Phausania, in a Sardina ruled by the Byzantine Empire. Later, in a period of self-rule by Sardinian regions, Olbia was a local capital and known as Civita. Next came Pisa, which founded a colony on the site of Olbia, and called it Terranova, a name which was retained through Aragonese rule and up until 1939, when Italy's fascists sought to recapture past glory by re-christening towns with their ancient names; Terranova returned to its Greek name Olbia. • Olbia's important tourist sights are quickly enumerated: two churches and an archaeological museum. The town lies on the shore of a large bay, with a road separating the town from the harbour. Olbia's historic port, in use since pre-Roman times, was in this area, but nowadays the main ferry port is on an island in the bay, connected by a causeway to the town. Olbia's central core is based around Corso Umberto, a lively shop-lined street leading uphill from the waterfront. At the top of a low hill, it opens into Piazza Margherita, a kind of low-key hub of the city. Around this heart there are several attractive narrow lanes lined with old stone buildings, and a few yards from Piazza Margherita, another attractive little square, Piazza Matteotti. • Olbia's important archaeological museum - Museo Archeologico - was first conceived in the 1980s, but has been a work in progress ever since. When we visited, it still felt rather incomplete, but there was a fair quantity of interesting exhibits, and admission was free. The museum and adjacent mainland roads are on the site of the Roman harbour of Olbia. Just off Corso Umberto, the Chiesa di San Paolo, a church built on the site of an ancient temple, has an attractive multi-coloured dome and a handsome stone exterior belying its relatively recent date (1700s). Modern frescoes inside celebrate popular recent saints and religious figures including Padre Pio and Pope John Paul II. • ( Olbia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Olbia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Olbia - Italy • Join us for more : •    / @placestoseein3171   • • •   / placestoseein87   •   / placestoseein1   • •   / places-to-see-in  


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