Cody Broad Leaf Herbicide Clopyralid
Fast Free Shipping at • • Cody Herbicide (generic Curtail) by Alligare LLC is a selective herbicide used for the post-emergent control of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds in fallow cropland, permanent grass pastures, and non-croplands. Cody Herbicide is pet and child safe once dry. • Active Ingredient: Clopyralid MEA Salt 5.1%, 2,4-D 39.0% • Target pests: Cody Herbicide is used for the control of annual, biennial, and perennial broadleaf weeds such as buffalobur, burdock, clover, cocklebur, dandelion, dock, fixweed, groundsel, jimsonweed, knapweed, kochia, lambsquarters, locoweed, nightshade, pennycress, pigweed, plantain, ragweed, sheperdspurse, smartweed, sowthistle, sunflower, thistle, and many other listed weeds. • Application: For broadcast application of Cody Herbicide mix at a rate of 3/8 of an ounce per gallon or 1 pint per acre to 1 1/2 ounce per gallon or 4 pints per acre. • • Do not exceed the maximum amount of 4 pints per acre per year. Do not use on bentgrass. • • For specific crop rotation intervals refer to label above. • Coverage Area: Each 2.5 gallon container of Cody Herbicide will cover an estimated 5 acres if used at the maximum amount per acre per year. Each gallon of Cody as a broadcast or spot treatment should cover approximately 1,000 square feet. • Shelf Life: Cody Herbicide will last 1 to 2 years in storage if kept in moderate temperatures. • Time to Kill: Cody Herbicide will eliminate the unwanted vegetation in just 21 to 28 days. • Manufactured by: Alligare LLC