What are the home remedies for Fissures amp Fistulas
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In medical terms, a fistula is defined as a non-natural or non pre-existing tube connecting the inflammation centre or an organ with the interior body parts and/ or exterior surface of the body. • When inflammation persists at a particular site inside the body for a long period, it creates puss and may eventually lead to the formation of a puss corridor. This puss corridor then reaches the surface and causes a gum boil. The puss is released temporarily through the gum boil but the inflammation is still not controlled and the puss corridor gets lined with a special type of cells while the body tries to isolate this segment. Thus a fistula is formed. • Parulis fistula also called as gum boils are not extremely painful and hence may fail to seek the immediate attention of the patient to approach a dentist. In due course of time, the infection tends to grow more and damages the teeth bone further and further. Hence, the bone defect grows larger in the case of Parulis fistulae. • Treating dental abscesses may involve root canal treatments or in more severe cases be followed with root tip resection. In this procedure, dental abscesses are operated and the root tip is removed along with the fistula corridor formed due to the infection. Fistula corridors in dental abscesses tend to heal naturally when the cause has been removed. • Watch this video to find out more about how a gum boil is formed and how it can be treated. http://www.checkdent.com