ISH Dance Collective:《狂舞自由式》 Elements of Freestyle
極限運動與舞蹈音樂共冶一爐,精煉街頭文化美學,人氣之作亞洲首演 • 街頭極限運動的精神在於挑戰自我,移師表演場館更可啟發開闊的藝術定義。隨著霹靂舞、滑板、花式小輪車等城市運動先後登上奧運殿堂,適逢自由空間開幕五周年,我們特邀荷蘭ISH Dance Collective人氣之作《狂舞自由式》於2024年6月在大盒上演,藉著突破常規的節目,為觀眾帶來耳目一新的當代表演藝術體驗。 • 由ISH Dance Collective藝術總監、曾任美國舞蹈比賽真人騷《舞一叮》評審的知名編舞家Marco Gerris親自執導及編舞,《狂舞自由式》延攬十位街頭極限運動達人,當中不少更是獲獎無數的高手。節目將各人的看家絕活搬到台上大放異彩,讓觀眾一次過飽覽霹靂舞、單線滾軸溜冰、滑板、街頭籃球、花式小輪車和自由飛躍等熱血沸騰的現場表演。 • 《狂舞自由式》不止於炫技,更翻出這些敏捷身手背後的匠心美學,激活當中的舞蹈藝術成分,在超乎想像的弦樂現場演奏下,配合燈光、佈景等劇場效果,舞台上燃點街頭自由躍動的氣氛。約定你,2024年炎夏鑽進大盒,感受張力瞬間迸發的興奮。 • Celebrate five years of ground-breaking performances at Freespace with a bold and exquisitely choreographed spectacle of extreme urban sports, street dance and live music – Asian premiere • In a year when urban sports are firmly established as part of the Olympics, the artistry of street skills is spotlighted on stage with Amsterdam-based ISH Dance Collective’s Elements of Freestyle. • Presented as part of Freespace’s fifth anniversary celebrations, Elements of Freestyle is a bold, high-energy spectacle that blends the tricks and physicality of breakdance, in-line skating, skateboarding, freestyle basketball, BMX and freerunning with the discipline of the theatre. Featuring an original musical score and live electronic and orchestral strings, it transforms the ecstasy and freedom of the street into an eye-opening and exquisitely choreographed form of urban dance. • The show is performed on a set that feels as alive as the performers, with landscapes of scaffolding and ramps dismantled and reconfigured before our eyes. The result is a swirling blend of adrenaline, artistry, powerful live music and the poetic brotherhood of the streets. • Elements of Freestyle is directed and choreographed by Marco Gerris, artistic director of ISH Dance Collective and ex-jury member of So You Think you Can Dance. The production features an acclaimed cast of ten performers – breakdancers, freerunners, skaters, a BMXer and a basketball freestyle juggler – along with live music performed on stage by cellist Annie Tangberg and violinist Vera van der Bie. • 📆28*, 29*, 30^.6.2024 (五-日 Fri-Sun) • 🕓*晚上8pm 🕓^下午3pm • 📍西九文化區自由空間大盒 The Box, Freespace, West Kowloon Cultural District • 🎟️$350 (設優惠套票Discount Packages available) • 🔗購票及詳情 Tickets and details: • 追蹤我們 Follow us • Facebook | @freespacewestk • Instagram | @freespacewestk • YouTube | @WestK.HongKong • 網頁 Website | • • #西九文化區 #自由空間 #WestKowloon #Freespace