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Can we recite al Fatiha for the dead? The benefit of the alive people for the dead is seeking forgiveness and dua. • What would happen if it was decreed that al Baqara is to be recited instead of al Fatiha? • The gates of the heavens will not be opened for the ones denying, due to their conceit, the ayahs of Allah (SWT). • There are several claims for this proclamation of Allah (SWT): • 1- Ibn-'Abbas claims: With this expression, Allah (SWT) willed that the gates of the heavens will be opened neither to the wishes they made for the sake of showing the obedience to Allah (SWT), nor to their deeds and their duas. This interpretation is made in accordance with the ayahs, To Him ascends good speech, and righteous work raises it. [Fatir 10] and, No! Indeed, the record of the righteous is in 'illiyyun. [Mutaffifin 18]. • 2- Suddi and others claims: The gates of the heavens will not be opened for them, but they will be opened for the souls of the believers. A long hadith indicates the accuracy of this interpretation, The souls of the believers are lifted to the heaven. And the gates of the heavens are demanded to be opened for them. Then they say, 'The clean soul resting in a clean body, salaam!' This compliment is repeated for that soul (in every heaven) until it reaches the seventh heaven. And it's also demanded for the soul of a kafir (infidel) that the gates of the heavens are opened. Then they say, 'Go back there with all your contemptibility and worthlessness! Because the gates of the heavens will not be opened for you!' • 3- It's claimed: The Jannah is at the heaven. According to this interpretation, this expression means that The souls of the kafir are not allowed to be lifted to the heavens to enter the Jannah, and for them any path leading to the Jannah are blocked. • 4- It's claimed: The barakat (abundance) and beneficence of Allah (SWT) will not be on them. And this interpretation is made in accordance with the ayah, Then We opened the gates of the heaven with rain pouring down [Qamar 11]. • 5- This ayah indicates that the souls can solely be happy when beneficence is forwarded on them from the heaven, or when their deeds are lifted to the heavens. And it indicates that the heavens are the places where souls are happy and cheerful, and they are the places where beneficence and barakat is fowarded. And souls can reach this high as they achieve the greatest happiness. So the promise and the threat of The gates of heavens will not be opened for them, that Allah (SWT) proclaimed becomes so great. - Imam Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī • Web / • Facebook /   / kereminden   • Twitter /   / keremonder1   • Instagram /   / kerem_onder   • Podcast /


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