15 failed attempts and 3 years later Pratyusha Bodda is Indias latest WGM
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In 2015 Pratyusha Bodda had become a WIM, in 2016 she scored her two WGM norms! It seemed like everything was on course towards she becoming a WGM. However, fate had something else in store for her. For nearly 15 times Pratyusha failed in the final round to score her norm, missing it by either half a point or a full point. • At the Gibraltar Masters 2020, she decided to do something different. She took the focus off from the norm. In fact she did not think about it during the event and was not even aware that she had scored the norm even after she had actually achieved it in round 9! • Chess is the only thing that I am good at and I never thought about quitting says Pratyusha talking to ChessBase India's Rupali Mullick at the end of the event. A big congratulations to the youngster. Truly inspiring! • Video: Rupali Mullick • #Chess #ChessBaseIndia #GibChess2020 • ---------------------------------------------------------------- • Subscribe to the ChessBase India Channel on YouTube for more informative and exciting videos! • --------------------------------------------------------------------- • Subscribe to ChessBase India on YouTube: / chessbaseindiachannel • • Check out chessbase.in for quality news and updates: http://chessbase.in • • Find all latest ChessBase DVD, Quality Chess books and other accessories: https://chessbase.in/online-shop/ • • You may also buy from ChessBase India storefront in Amazon India: https://amzn.to/2vv0XXy • ------------------------------------ • • ChessBase India on Social Media • ------------------------------------ • Twitter: / chessbaseindia • Facebook: / chessbaseindia • Instagram: / chessbaseindia • --------------------------------------------- • • In case of any questions feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected]