Hello! I made a mistake in time 2:40: • Arc Length is NEITHER MEASURED IN DEGREES NOR RADIANS! • It’s a distance like circumference or diameter(includes radius) since it’s a piece of the circumference! • To find arc length, convert theta in degrees format (if it’s in degrees) to Radians mode, or the value out of 2pi. Why use Radians only and not accept degrees? Cause radians emphasizes the angle in a CIRCLE. And radius scales the angle in knowledge of the shape the degree is fit into. Radians mode basically represents the angle of the circle e.g. how pi/4 radians =45 degrees. • Calculating Arc Length Example: • Given theta or angle from center is 45 degrees and radius is 10 cm, convert theta to radians which is= pi/4. Multiply theta in radians only times 10 cm (notice how the unit for radius is in distance)= arc length. • • Ratios: Two dimensions divided for one (shape) • Proportions: TWO ratios compared to one another, each ratio for its own shape but each scaled out in way that the ratio of dimensions still equal one another.