Procedures Powers and Duties of Authorities under the Industrial Disputes Act 1947
This video provides an overview of the procedures, powers, and duties of authorities under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 in India. The Industrial Disputes Act is an important legislation that aims to promote industrial peace and harmony by providing a mechanism for settling industrial disputes. • The video breaks down the different authorities involved in the dispute resolution process, their specific procedures, powers, and duties. Here's a summary of the key points: • Conciliation Officer: • Procedure: Investigates the dispute and tries to bring about a settlement through conciliation conferences. • Powers: Summon witnesses, examine documents, and enter premises for investigation. • Duties: Promote settlements between the parties and submit a report to the government if no settlement is reached. • Board of Conciliation: • Procedure: Similar to the conciliation officer, but involves a three-member board. • Powers: Similar to the conciliation officer. • Duties: Investigate the dispute and attempt to bring about a settlement between the parties. If no settlement is reached, submit a report to the government with recommendations for adjudication. • Labor Court, Industrial Tribunal, or National Tribunal: • Procedure: Conducts an adjudication upon receiving a report from the Board of Conciliation or a reference from the government. • Powers: Summon witnesses, examine documents, administer oaths, and order interim relief. • Duties: Hear the parties' arguments, examine evidence, and deliver an award that is binding on both parties. • The video also mentions the role of other authorities like the appropriate government, Chief Labor Commissioner (Central), trade unions, and employers' associations in the dispute resolution process. Additionally, it emphasizes the general powers of authorities, such as taking evidence on oath, issuing summons, and inspecting premises, as well as their duties to act impartially, ensure due process, and issue well-considered awards. • For further information, the video suggests referring to the official text of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 or consulting with a labor law expert. • I hope this description provides a concise and informative summary of the video content. • In this course we will learn the complete syllabus of LLB 3rd Semester (3 Years) covering CSJMU Kanpur University the content is beneficial for all university LLB exam. • For The Notes Presentation exercises and old University Exam Papers log-in to • • हमसे सम्पर्क में रहे • • • / yourvinayshukla • / yourvinayshukla • • / yourvinayshukla • / yourvinayshukla • / yourvinayshukla • हमारे समूह में जुड़े • / yourvinayshukla •