ViTiny Taiwan Digital Microscope UM08 Features
Vitiny Digital Microscope UM08 is a high definition digital microscope that connected through HDMI cable to the HDMI monitor. With a resolution of 1080p, this digital microscope offers the best quality image for inspection system. This microscope deliver 2MP image at 60 frame rate per second using the 4x lens that give user magnification up to 132x (depending on the size of monitor). • The special functions of this microscope is that it has the Auto Focus function, which allowed users to automatically focus their image until clear without having to do it manually. User can save time and effort with this function. • This microscope also fully functional by using IR remote control. From the remote control, user can adjust the magnification, the focusing, and also the LED level (from 1 (lowest) to 12 (highest)). • For more information, visit us at