Writing a Mission vs a Vision Statement for Nonprofits
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In this episode of Whole Whale TV, Chief Whaler George will dive into the sea of questions around both writing and defining nonprofit mission and vision statements — watch to learn what they are, why they're different, why that difference is important, and why you should have both. • Mission statements and vision statements are often confused for one another and therefore used interchangeably. They are different, however, and they both serve important functions within your organization. We need to start from the center and move outwards with regards to our mission and vision statements. Explain why you want to do what you do, then how you will do it, and finally, what end goal you are aiming to achieve. • ------- • Whole Whale is a digital agency that leverages data and technology to increase the impact of nonprofits. In the same way the Inuits used every part of whale, Whole Whale leverages existing resources to see, What else can this do for us? • By using data analysis, digital strategy, web development, and training, WW builds a 'Data Culture' within every nonprofit organization they work with. • ------- • Check us out on Facebook : • / wholewhale • Tweet us: • / wholewhale • Visit our website: • http://wholewhale.com/