Video Lesson Steep To Shallow


Swing Plane - PGA Professional Robin Symes explains how a swing plane which is slightly steeper in the backswing that the downswing can help the correct swing sequence. • Transcript • I think it is a good lesson for anybody struggling with pull shots, slice shots, maybe you find you're coming into the ball on too steep an angle or taking big divots. Also because you are too steep taking big divots, you'll be finding it hard to strike the ball solid and taking the the ball clean off the surface. Now this is a good player but these are the faults this player was struggling with. Hasn't been playing well recently. You'll see here clearly coming into the ball the club is too far outside he is coming too much down on the golf ball and across the golf ball. He squares the club faced to that and hits the pull, he keeps the club face open which generally we do. You can see a chicken wing holding the club face open. • It cuts the ball back towards the target but its really not a very solid shot. Now we'll add one concept. Hopefully this is something that can help you one thing I claim to is that if we look at his move-away the club gets on a very flat plane quite quickly. Angle of the club shaft is outside the ball and then if we look at the same position coming down he is now steepening the club. The club's on a steeper plane. For me this is not the most efficient way to swing a golf club if you look at most of the more elite players, the best players, they will be swinging in the opposite fashion. They'll be slightly steeper on the back swing. Just slightly shallower on the down swing. Some are extreme. Some you can see this clearly with a rerouting of the club. Some are a lot milder you can hardly see it but most go slightly steeper to shallower, steep to shallow. • Its a more efficient way to swing a golf club. We've had him in 3D analysis, his upper body will move first. His upper body will dominate the down swing very aggressive through his right shoulder to try to get the club back in front of him. • So when he gets the club on a slightly steeper plane on the way back, normally, this will encourage the lower body to work through first to shallow the plane. Its a more efficient way to swing. Its a more efficient way to create your speed. • Let me show you this. So we worked on basically the opposite of what he's been doing. I wanted him to get a steeper plane going back. I asked him to get the feeling of pointing his left elbow towards the ground so his left arm doesn't rotate so much. Elbow pointing out,this is extreme on the right. This is just practice swing so he can get the concept. • Repeated this from say five minutes just to get the feeling of getting the club shaft steeper. We then took that into practice swings. Same feeling. Elbow pointing down. Club shaft feel like its pointing inside the ball not outside the ball. You'll see here very clearly. From here now naturally he started to shallow the club coming down. • Though this is just practice a practice thing to start off with, his club is on a flatter swing on the down swing then what it was on the back swing. Instantly his body started to move differently. His transition was different. See from the front. His lower body started to engage earlier rather than his upper body dominating the down swing. • The only thing I had to tell this player to do once he got a steeper back swing was take some time in the transition. Give it time. Allow time in the transition for the club to change direction. Within thirty minutes, you'll see here obviously a shot swing wont be as good as his practice swing but moving in the right direction. Club was outside the ball. Club's now not as quite outside the ball, almost on the ball. This is the same feeling it has in the practice swing. • Upper body was dominating, steepening the club shaft. Yes the club shaft is still a little bit the left. Moving in the right direction. The club is starting to shallow and we are now hitting the same plane as what we were in the back swing as in the down swing. So instantly he hit the ball cleaner, more solid both starting on line and holding and is holding its line. • I expect over a few weeks off practice that will improves further and keeps on improving. So if you are somebody struggling with pulls, slices, steep impacts, I would ask you to check your back swing. Try to get the concept of having a slightly steeper back swing and shallower downswing. Steep to shallow is a more efficient way to swing and certainly is you're someone who is struggling with these shots so good drill try just to give you the feeling of steepening it out. • Blog: • Facebook:   / robinsymesgolf   • Twitter:   / robinsymes   • Academy • For Online Lesson with Robin visit


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