How to Resize Photos Image Resizer for Windows 7
Betty A. Walker, - in this video I show you how you can use Windows 7 to easily resize multiple photos at one time. A lot of times when we take pictures with our camera we want to email them as attachments or upload them to a webpage, and the photos that our cameras take are usually a lot larger than we would want to use for email or our websites. • If you ever used Windows XP, you might remember that it had a resize picture option when you would view thumbnails of your pictures on your PC. It was nice and handy because you could select several different photos and then right-click on the thumbnails and choose resize pictures and tell it what size you wanted to reduce the photos down to. • The other nice feature about this option was that we could select several picture at once and then easily resize all of them at the same time. • Well, there is an Image Resizer that is available for you to add to your Windows 7 computer, and you can download it here: • • Just click on the Image Resize download - you'll most likely want the 64 bit version, but don't worry if you download the wrong one, your computer will tell you when you try to install it and you can just come back to this page and download the correct one. • Once you download it, just click on the .msi file that you downloaded, and it will automatically install it onto your Windows 7 computer for you. • Now when you browse to your photos, you can select multiple pictures and then right click and select resize pictures from the right hand menu. • You'll see some standard sizes that they give you to select from, small medium large and mobile sizes. The small is usually fine for emailing or webpages depending on what you're looking to do with them - or you can select custom and put in either a width or a height for the photos and it will automatically resize them to your selection for you. • Once you click the OK button, you'll see that a new photo has been added to the folder where your original is, and it now has appended something like custom or small to the name - depending on what selection you made during the resize. And if you selected more than one photo to be resized, you'll see it automatically created resized photos for all of them that you selected. • Now, you can select those resized photos to send with your email or upload to your webpage and you'll be all set!