Franceso Landini Lantica fiamma


New videos and pieces everyday. • Like and subscribe to our channel:    / @classicalmusicforall3276   • Francesco Landini (c. 1325 – 1397; also known by many names) was an Italian composer, poet, organist, singer and instrument maker who was a central figure of the Trecento style in late Medieval music. One of the most revered composers of the second half of the 14th century, he was by far the most famous composer in Italy. • Landini was the foremost exponent of the Italian Trecento style, sometimes also called the Italian ars nova . His output was almost exclusively secular. While there are records that he composed sacred music, none of it has survived. What have survived are eighty-nine ballate for two voices, forty-two ballate for three voices, and another nine which exist in both two and three-voice versions. In addition to the ballate, a smaller number of madrigals have survived. Landini is assumed to have written his own texts for many of his works. His output, preserved most completely in the Squarcialupi Codex, represents almost a quarter of all surviving 14th-century Italian music. • Performers: • Eva Lebherz-Valentin (Soprano) • Isaak Ensemble Heidelberg


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