Lumbar Plexus on Model
This video discusses the lumbar plexus and its branches: subcostal nerve, iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, genitofemoral nerve, lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, femoral nerve, and obturator nerve. Please feel free to suggest ideas for future videos and to provide your feedback. • Why has this YouTube channel been created? • In the age of information overload and the ever-decreasing attention spans of our students, traditional didactic lectures are no longer a practical means for the delivery of information. Keeping this in mind, I wanted to create short and precise anatomy videos to encourage students to learn in their own time, at their own pace. That is where this YouTube channel comes in. The videos on this channel will range from those utilizing cadaveric dissection and both plastinated and plastic models, to those involving drawings of anatomical structures and slideshow presentations. • Contact: [email protected] • Dr. Atif Mazhar's Website: • Dr. Sadia Qazi's Website: