MGSV Phantom Pain Pro Tips Weapon Steal and Holdup Metal Gear Solid 5
Weapon Steal and Pro Holdup tips for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Learn how to play like a pro and do tricky pro moves like removing a guard's weapon and using it to hold up multiple guards. Includes secrets on how to gunpoint holdup a heavy armor guard, or multiple heavy armor guards! Understand how to pull off difficult and hard moves so you can be better at the game, and even use it on Metal Gear Online. Included are lessons on how to knife holdup, choke, knife kill, interrogate, force a guard to lie down, punch out guards, and force them to drop weapons. • Part 6 of a series of walkthroughs for MGS 5: Phantom Pain and Metal Gear Solid V: The Definitive Experience on PlayStation 4. Subscribe for more MGSV: Phantom Pain secrets, easter eggs, and more tips on how to play like a pro. • edepot's MGSV:TPP Playlist: • Metal Gear Solid Games (MGSV: Phantom... • edepot's Twitter: / edepot