Barrett’s Esophagus What Is It and What Can Be Done to Reverse It


When someone is suffering from long-term reflux disorders, they become concerned that they might develop esophageal cancer. You get an endoscopy procedure performed because you have reflux and your gastroenterologist tells you that you have Barrett’s esophagus which increases your risk of esophageal cancer. Hearing this troubling news causes you unnecessary stress. Barret’s esophagus diagnosis has risen dramatically in the United States more than 6-fold in 40 years from 0.4 cases per 100000 in 1975 to 2.6 cases per 100000 in 2009. Diagnosis of reflux is also on the rise within our modern world. What is causing the increase in cases, and what are your chances of developing esophageal cancer from Barret’s esophagus? • The following FYG Youtube video covers: • What Barrett's esophagus is and how to diagnose it. • Barrett's esophagus symptoms. • The pathology of Barrett's esophagus. • Does acid reflux cause Barrett's esopahgus? • Does silent reflux cause Barrett's esopahgus? • Does bile reflux cause Barrett's esopahgus? • What about Barrett's esophagus causing cancer, what is the real risk? • What can be done to find relief. • Please, like, share, and subscribe, if you like our content. Thank you. • Follow FYG on Facebook for up to date health information:   / fixyourgutofficial   • Follow FYG on Twitter:   / fixyourgutjb   • FYG Barrett's Esophagus blog: • Fix Your Gut Kindle version: • Health coaching: • If you would like to donate to the Fix Your Gut Youtube channel through Paypal you can here:


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