Regency period chicken ball recipe
Heston Blumenthal takes inspiration from the first ever celebrity chef, Antonin Carem of the regency period. Heston attempts a recipe including chicken's testicles which would have been cooked by Carem. From season 2 of Heston's Feasts. • • _______________________________ • • • Heston's mission is to surprise jaded 21st century palates by scientifically reconstructing an inventive back-to-the-future banquet consisting of forgotten flavours, textures and taste sensations. Through each programme, he will create a spectacular mouthwatering historical feast complete with all the sumptuous, orgiastic, excessive mayhem our ancestors took for granted. • • • Find out more about Heston Blumethal: • • Add Heston on twitter: •!/hestonfatduck • Check out this playlist for interesting bits and bots from Heston: • • Heston's Feasts - the science bits! • • heston blumental cooking cook chef recipe recipes tips how to food and drink feasts feast historical jenni falconer historian dan snow caroline feraday