Ludwig Supraphonic LM400 low tuning
I recorded drums to an EP for a Swedish artist today. Four songs in two days. It felt GREAT. I added a lot of percussion to the tracks: Agogo bells, tambourine, shakers, the Meinl Ching Ring, the Meinl Generation X Drumbal etc. • The music contained a lot of challenging odd time signatures. 7/8, 9/8, 11/8, 13/8... Yep, it was in there. I'll let you know when the music is released. I'm eager to share it with you. • But, until then... I was so happy with the sound I was getting from my new Ludwig Supraphonic LM400. It sounded amazing when tuned really low and fat, so I wanted to share it with you. Therefore I jammed a bit. Hope you dig it. • I slapped a Dunnet R4L Throw-off on it, and it has worked great since then. Highly recommend both the snare and the throw-off. • /Richard • • For recordings, mail: • [email protected]