Esprit Tutorial Layer Management
Learn how to move different elements to different layers to organize your entities. • For more Esprit CAM tutorials and videos see: • • 3D Distributed is a Texas-based company that designs and manufactures 3d printing systems and technologies. While the company may have a wide range of products the main focus is on open modular machine design. The idea is to have a family of modular machine components that can be switched out for a range of different applications. If you need to use Nema 23’s instead of Nema 17’s, no problem. We have a component for that. If you want to jump from belt driven to leadscrew, we have a component for that. Our products are designed to be used universally or with other machines or just in any suitable configuration. • 3D Distributed is a Texas-based company that designs and manufactures 3d printing systems and technologies. While the company may have a wide range of products the main focus is on open modular machine design. The idea is to have a family of modular machine components that can be switched out for a range of different applications. If you need to use Nema 23’s instead of Nema 17’s, no problem. We have a component for that. If you want to jump from belt driven to leadscrew, we have a component for that. Our products are designed to be used universally or with other machines or just in any suitable configuration.