Voľné termíny na Otváranie Čakier Výklady a Čistenia Demonclearing Tarot Alchemist Clubhouse 🍯🙏💫🏞️
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=mbIKxnFL1wU
🍯 Solar Alchemist Clubhouse 🍯 • Terminy na Výklady kariet, Čistenie čakier, Demon clearing a komunikáciu medzi svetmi si môžete vybrať a dohodnúť na webe či mailom na • |Kontakt Web 🙏💫 💕https://www.freealchemist.com/ • |Kontakt Mail 💫🦋❤️ [email protected] • |Kontakt Instagram 🙏💫🏞️ boris.alchemist • |Kontakt Facebook 💫🦋❤️ Tantra Raja Joga • Boris Lesay, solárny alchymista a slnečný šaman: Boris Lesay, ktorý odhaľuje starodávnu múdrosť našich predkov, nás prevedie dimenziami a svetmi slnečnej alchymistickej energie. Vďaka svojej jedinečnej zmesi holistického liečenia, zmien paradigmy a vyrovnávania čakier odomyká tajomstvá vesmíru a komunikuje s vyššími sférami. • Boris Lesay, Solar Alchemist and Sun Shaman: Unraveling the ancient wisdom of our ancestors, Boris Lesay guides us through the dimensions and worlds of solar alchemistical energy. With his unique blend of holistic healing, paradigm shifts, and chakra balancing, he unlocks the secrets of the cosmos and communicates with higher realms. • Aktivácia najvyššej svetelnej DNA, spomienky na životy(regresia) s prijatím osobnej cesty duše. Solárna alchýmia je založená na odhaľovaní tajomstiev našich predkov, rôznych dimenzií a svetov. Uzdravením svojej aj kolektívnej energie, očistením rodu a tvorbou božského dobra, ktoré presvetlujú temnotu. • Ing. Boris Lesay • Activation of the highest light DNA, regresion memories from past life and acceptance of the personal path as the soul guidance. • Solar alchemy is based on uncovering the secrets of our ancestors, different dimensions and worlds. Purifying your own and collective energy, healing the family lineage and creating divine goodness that harmonizes the darkness. Boris L • Finančné dary ma podporujú a pomáhajú môjmu kanálu rásť. Ak by ste chceli prispieť, ocením a budem vďačný za každý príspevok: • https://paypal.me/boris77733888?count... • Donation with funding supports me and helps my channel to grow, If you would like to donate, it would be greatly appreciated: • https://paypal.me/boris77733888?count... • #sun #solar #alchemy #shaman #greatspirit #magic #tarot #meditation #lucid #yoga #thetahealing #abundance #community #freedome #destiny #harmony #love #happiness #lucky #vztahy #vzťahy #láska #spiritualita #svetlo #alchýmia #2024 #livestream #osud #viera #sungazing #regresion #incarnation #subtle #borislesay • #solaralchemypractitioner #sunshaman #dimensionaltravel #healingwithenergy • #chakrahealing #ancestors #dimensions #worlds #healing #paradigmshift #energeticalfields #chakras #spiritualawakening #spiritualgrowth #newage • Have you tried a regression to your incarnations? Any other questions? • Solar alchemy is based in our culture and religion. Mostly I do my practice in Slovakia, but I like to travel sometimes. Let our crowns be powerful and the hearts fully released to love, faith is on our side my starseeds with spiritual family. • 💫 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • © Solar Alchemy • Do Not Reuse Any of my Music or Videos in any way • It is prohibited to reuse or republish any of my content • Allowed only for personal use