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The brand Oni raw denim jeans makers has been renowned as one of the highest quality luxury raw selvedge denim brands to ever exist, and Oni has singlehandedly left it's mark on the raw denim world by creating some of the most interesting and unique selvedge denim fabrics in the world! Now, the thing is, Oni is a raw selvedge denim jeans brand that is known to be shrouded in mystery! From myths about how the fabric is made, to the seemingly limited supply of stock, all the way down to the silent marketing that Oni does, Oni is a brand that brings a sort of exclusivity factor to Japanese raw selvedge denim jeans. This is why Oni raw selvedge denim jeans has become one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite raw denim brands ever! • Oni raw denim is renowned for their slubbiness and their dying techniques within their raw denim jeans, most notable by their ever-sought-after Secret Denim, which is an incredible green cast denim with an insane slubby texture, as well as other fabrics such as their Low Tension Natural Indigo jeans which are my favorite pair of indigo raw denim ever, and now, Oni has taken a huge step into summer menswear and mens fashion with their brand new 022 Chambray jeans, which I am forever grateful to Son Of A Stag, an incredible raw denim retailer, for letting me hold down these jeans for the video! • So today, we do a deep dive into Master Masao Oishi-san, the owner and founder of Oni, as well as some of the jeans and fabrics Oni denim has to offer! All of which are available on Son Of A Stag, who happens to be most probably have the biggest raw selvedge denim jeans collection of Oni outside of Japan to offer. They are also the ONLY raw denim retailer I know to actually have a relationship with Master Oishi-san the way that they do. And this is why I trust Son Of A Stag customer service, products, and authenticity when it comes to Oni denim jeans. • SHOP SON OF A STAG NOW: https://sonofastag.com/collections/oni • ONI 022 Chambray Selvedge: https://sonofastag.com/products/oni-0... • ONI 222 Super Wide Raw Denim: https://sonofastag.com/products/oni-2... • ONI Secret Denim: https://sonofastag.com/products/oni-2... • Chapters: • Intro - 0:00 • Introducing Oni Denim - 0:48 • About Son Of A Stag - 2:20 • Brief History Of Oishi-san - 2:54 • The Newest In ONI (Chambray Selvedge) - 4:32 • Outro - 9:36 • • MY SOCIALS: • TikTok:   / byalejandrojomar   • Denim Discord:   / discord   • Instagram:   / byalejandrojomar   • WM20s Instagram:   / wm20s   • SOME OF MY PERSONAL FAVORITE CHANNELS: • Drew Joiner:    / @drewjoiner   • Cee Are Dee:    / ceearedee   • The Iron Snail:    / theironsnail   • #rawdenim #selvedgedenim #menswear #mensfashion #style #fashion #shorts


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