HRTEM lattice imaging comafree axis alignment tutorial


Hello again, my fellow EM aficionados! If you want to obtain the very best possible HR-TEM (lattice) images, you need to properly align your incident beam along the coma-free axis (instead of simply performing the usual quick and dirty rotation centering ). So, what is this so-called coma-free axis, how did it get its name, and how do you go about finding it? Please watch this tutorial (recorded raw, unedited, unfiltered, uncensored, and uncut) to answer all these questions and more! • Thank you for your support, my fellow EM aficionados! Please like, subscribe, and share and leave any questions or comments you may have and I will do my best to reply as soon as possible. Video topic requests are always welcome and appreciated; I enjoy making these videos and wish I could make them more frequently, but the demands of my job make it tough to do so; I’m in charge of 3 S/TEMs, 2 dual FIB/SEM systems, and 1 SEM and this keeps me very busy! • Connect with me on LinkedIn: •   / nicholas-rudawski-30414528   • Where I work: • • E-mail me directly: • [email protected]


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