The Night Sky Canvas🌟English lyrics🔛
I created my first original song, ``The Night Sky Canvas'' Born from a summer scene I wrote a song depicting my feelings. This is a cheering song that says that even if the seasons change, if you keep dreaming, your wishes will come true. • This was my first attempt at producing a music video. I edited the photos I had taken and the video I shot for this music video using Adobe Premier Pro to express the worldview of the song. I made it with all my heart, so I would be happy if you could view it from the URL below. • 「夜空のキャンバス」Beniryn🌟<#オリジナル曲 >🎊5600回再生感謝💐 (Japanese Lyrics version) • I hope this song reaches the hearts of many people. • Lyrics/Vocals: Beniryn • Composer: Kentaro Shibuya, Beniryn • Mix/Arrangement: Kentaro Shibuya • Photography Video Shooting/Music Video Production: Beniryn • English Lyrics Advisor: Malte Detjens, Yoko.O • #thenightskycavas #original #originalsong #beniryn