Saipem Sinergia Project
Since 2011, the Sinergia Project has acted as a bridge-builder between Saipem and five technical secondary education institutes in different regions of Italy through training programmes, summer camps and short internships. Each institute is teamed up with one Saipem Division, thus contributing to the development of specific training modules to expand the school curriculum and better explain our business. • At Saipem, we're conscious of the importance of nurturing talent for the teams that will work on the innovation challenges for the future. The development of specific skills and an innovative mindset represents the Group's response to future challenges and are an essential lever in creating value for clients. • Learn more on our website • Don't forget to subscribe to our channel! • ✔️ Follow Saipem on LinkedIn / saipem • ✔️ Follow Saipem on Instagram / saipem_official