Berlin Philharmonic Horn Ensemble in Japan
0:25 Rossini: La Danza (Arr. Paul Pritchard) • Kerry Turner: • 4:25 The Ghosts of Dublin • 13:04 Barbara Allen • 17:53 Farewell to the red castle • 23:43 Händel: Hallelujah Chorus (Arr. Jeff Agrell) • 27:30 Glinka: Ruslan and Lyudmila Overture (Arr. Richard Bissill) • 33:32 Mozart: Horn Concerto to Rondo (Arr. Hyunries) • 37:23 Beethoven: Egmont (Arr. Alan Civil) • 45:43 Wagner: Tristan Fantasy (Arr. Julissen) • 52:20 Brahms: Lullaby (Arr. Klaus Wallendorf) • #StefanDohr #FergusMcWilliam #KlausWallendorf #NorbertHauptmann #RadekBaborak • #GeorgSchreckenberger #StefanJezierski #SarahWillis #FremchHorn • The music and video published on this channel is exclusively dedicated to divulgation purposes and not commercial. If someone, for any reason, would deem that a video appearing on this channel violates the copyright, please inform me immediately before you submit a claim to Youtube, and it will be our care to remove immediately the video accordingly.