Getting the Most out of Rain Bird®’s 5000 Pro Rotor Sprinkler


#sprinkler #sprinklerirrigation #sprinklertools #rainbird • There are many professional products now available to homeowners, and that’s a good thing! “Pro” products typically last longer than consumer-grade items. While a bit more expensive initially, the cost of ownership per year ends up being lower because the product lasts longer! • We’ve had great success with gear-driven sprinklers in our yardscape. There are several brands, but one of our favorites is the Rain Bird® 5000 Pro Rotor. It’s readily available at retailers such as Lowes and Home Depot and is actually just one in the 5000 professional product line. The others are available at commercial irrigation suppliers. • There are several great features for this sprinkler, and you need to understand how they work so you can capitalize on them! We’ll walk you through how to get the most out of this product and others like them. And, you’ll learn about some of the things you need to take into consideration if you are designing, installing, or upgrading your sprinkler system. • If you have a similar product you’d like to mention to other viewers, please comment in the comment section below. If you have tips and techniques that you’d like to share, we’d like to hear them! • Thanks for watching and being a part of our viewer family!


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