Eruption Guitar Lesson Pt 1 Van Halen


Get Your YouTube Fan Discount for a Subscription to the GL365 Academy Today! 40% Off For Life! 7 Day Free Trial! Click Here • Sign up for my GL365 Academy to finally understand the guitar, develop a great ear for music, pro level technique and much more! Personalized support from me! •   / iplaygitar   • Click here for ALL of my Van Halen song lessons in my Van Halen playlist!    • Van Halen   • In this Eruption guitar lesson video series, I will show you how to play what is perhaps the most famous guitar solo ever recorded, note-for-note. • Eddie Van Halen brought the guitar playing world to it's knees when Eruption came blasting at them off of Van Halen's debut album. The rapid-fire licks and the at-the-time bewildering tapping section where something guitarists everywhere had never heard before. In one quick solo track, Eddie Van Halen completely changed the guitar playing landscape, as millions of guitar players locked themselves into their rooms for years trying to figure out all of Eddie's licks. • In the first video lesson, I will start by performing all of Eruption from beginning to end. I will then teach you all of Eddie's guitar parts up until the tapping section. • The licks you will learn in this first video will be the most challenging of the entire solo by far. The tapping part may be what everyone knows, but this opening section is where you will need the serious chops. • Of course Eruption introduced to the world Eddie Van Halen's dazzling tapping technique. It will be in the second video lesson that I will show you how to play than. Even though tapping had been employed by numerous guitarists before, no one had ever taken it to such musical heights. • At the beginning of the video I demonstrate the basic 3 note tapping pattern Eddie uses throughout the whole section. From there it is just simply a matter of memorizing the different arpeggios. • Take your time and get the tapping pattern down by itself first before trying to learn the entire song. • Hope you guys enjoy the lesson. We certainly can't get any bigger than this when it comes to famous solos. :) • Carl....


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