Europa Universalis IV Rule Britannia Anglophile Part 1
Welcome to Europa Universalis 4 with the brand new Leviathan DLC! Paradox has sponsored todays video to show off the EU4 Leviathan dlc and so naturally we are going to break the game using some of the perfectly balanced new gameplay features! Here is a link if you are interested!!! • • Today We are going to be naturally ignoring the bulk of the games new content and instead focusing on cheesing the new migratory tribes of the American plains. In this very special and perfectly balanced episode Spiff Breaks America and turns a tiny tribe from being a 6 development micro nation into a 500 development monster that can prevent any European colonizers from even stepping a foot onto the new world! Who would win! One speedy migratory tribe vs a giant European empire like France or England that are trying to create the USA. Well we are going to put a stop to it using a creative strategy called mass irrigation that will allow us to summon development out of thin air! • So can the spiffing brit pull off becoming A hyper developed nation in EU4 or is this perfectly balanced game home to no exploits making this Spiff Breaks America challenge and build impossible! • This video game exploit video will be jam packed with a best bits funny moments montage style of editing similar to that of Valefisk, Robbaz and RTgame. So sit back relax and grab a cup of tea to enjoy with the spiffing brit! • Magestic Merch: • Patreon: / spiffing • Twitter: @thespiffingbrit • Discord: / discord • Title: Spiff Breaks America - Europa Universalis 4 Leviathan IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS • #EU4 #America #Funny