Ulysses by James Joyce InDepth Summary and Analysis
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Summarize videos instantly with our Course Assistant plugin, and enjoy AI-generated quizzes: https://bit.ly/ch-ai-asst James Joyce's Ulysses explained with chapter summaries in just a few minutes! • • Course Hero Literature Instructor Russell Jaffe provides an in-depth summary and analysis of James Joyce's novel Ulysses. • • Download the free study guide and infographic for Ulysses here: https://www.coursehero.com/lit/Ulysse... • • James Joyce's novel Ulysses is a modern take on the classical Greek poem The Odyssey, which is the tale of Odysseus's return from the Trojan war. Rather than coursing the Mediterranean over the span of a decade, as in The Odyssey, Ulysses unfolds over a single day. • • Set in Dublin on June 16, 1904, the story's main characters, Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom, parallel Telemachus and Odysseus. And Bloom's wife Molly is a stand in for Penelope. • • Bloom and Dedalus both traverse Dublin on various errands. Bloom attends the funeral of an acquaintance. He and Dedalus cross paths at several points and eventually end up at a brothel. • • After a conflict with British soldiers, they end up at Bloom's house, where Molly attends to them. • • Irish writer James Joyce’s Ulysses was first published in 1922. Joyce set Ulysses in Dublin, but he wrote it in Italy, France, and Switzerland in self-imposed exile from Ireland. The story does not exactly parallel the episodes of The Odyssey, instead using its extended travels as a framework in which modern characters meditate on many of the same existential questions that confronted the heroes of yore—meaning, love, sex, and fidelity. • • The novel Ulysses contains many important themes, including death, as an ever-present part of their lives, death profoundly affects the characters; fathers and sons, as the bond between fathers and sons is presented as fragile and tragic; and sex, love, and empathy, as desire for sex and love, as well as feelings of empathy, motivate the characters. Important symbols include Bloom’s potato, keys, and the horse Throwaway. • • Explore Course Hero’s collection of free literature study guides, Q A pairs, and infographics here: https://www.coursehero.com/lit/ • • About Course Hero: • Course Hero helps empower students and educators to succeed! We’re fueled by a passionate community of students and educators who share their course-specific knowledge and resources to help others learn. Learn more at http://www.coursehero.com • • Master Your Classes™ with Course Hero! • • Get the latest updates: • Facebook: / coursehero • Twitter: / coursehero