FisherPrice 123s 1995
It's a question you all have been asking, and now that I just got my Italian passport, I'm here to tell you the whole adventure! • If you want to improve your Italian language skills, try using italki to find a great Italian tutor for you, for virtual lessons! Use my affiliate link to get $10 in credits to use for your first lesson: • • Help make these videos possible; join my PATREON community, The Quirky Club!: / katiequinn • Timestamps for the video: • 0:00 - getting my IT passport • 0:47 - intro • 1:23 - part one • 2:54 - eligibility, qualifications • 3:28 - disqualifications • 6:09 - the quirky club • 6:26 - part two - documents • 8:38 - part three - moving to Italy • 8:53 - establishing residency • 9:30 - The Italian Passport agency • 11:00 - uncertainty • 11:55 - getting citizenship • 13:09 - carta di identità • 13:45 - tax tips • 14:54 - ciao • Shout out to Patrick Rizzo for sharing his story of Italian heritage in this video! • And thanks Paolo Rigo for sharing some of his Italian taxes expertise. You can follow him on Instagram at: @paolorigosr • The firm I worked with to get my Italian dual-citizenship here in Italy, which I had a fantastic experience with, was The Italian Passport - • *If you reach out to them, use the code Katie Italy and you'll receive a discount if you end up working with them, and full transparency: I'll also receive a small reward for recommending them. • **Note: You should take into account that the approximate amount of money I spent to work with them is a fluid price; meaning that with the increased demand for this, they very well may have raised their prices since I worked with them. • ***Additional note: The policy of The Italian Passport is to only work with clients willing to move to Puglia to pursue citizenship, due to their relationship with certain governmental officials in the region. • BUY MY BOOK, CHEESE, WINE, BREAD -- • SUBSCRIBE to my monthly newsletter: • Never miss a video when I upload! SUBSCRIBE to my channel: • INSTAGRAM // @qkatie • PODCAST // Keep It Quirky: • FOR MORE INFO // • A bit about me: My name is Katie Quinn and I'm a video journalist, writer, and food enthusiast living in southern Italy. On this channel I make videos about life, travel and delicious things. I post every week, and of course, I #keepitquirky :)