Adding drugs to gastric balloons increases weight loss
The COOK Medical Bakri postpartum balloon tamponade system is part of the treatment of the severe postpartum hemorrhage because of atonic uterus. It is an important element in the management of the postpartum hemorrhage. It is complement, and not substitute, of the uterotonic medical treatment of the uterine atony. • 1. Necessary material (1:43) • 2. Step by step assembly with the rapid instillation system (3:07) • 3. Bakri placement after vaginal birth (simulator) (4:28) • 4. Bakri placement after caesarian section (simulator) (6:13) • 5. Permeability restoration washing and clot removal (7:40) • 6. Extraction of the Bakri Balloon (8:15) • 7. Step by step assembly without the rapid instillation system (9:06) • Final image of the video taken from • Reproducción Asistida - Bakri Balón ... • If you have any questions, recommendations or queries, contact our obstetric simulation unit via email: [email protected]