Yuno amp The Company Impressed By Jean Pauls HUGE Character Development
The Company had a meeting with their weed dealer named Dex, everyone thought that Mr. X was just gonna pop his head using the stolen PD pistol. • But alas, everyone was wrong because Mr. X became the mediator and made actual solutions to the problem. Everyone praised Mr. X with this and even Yuno was caught surprised by it. • The Company is now making serious business moves in Los Santos! • The Company members: Yuno Sykk, Jean 'X' Paul, Marty Banks, OTT, Raymond Romanov, Benji Ramos, Mickey Sinclaire • Streamers included in the video; make sure to follow and give them some love! • / xqc • / sykkuno • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Check Out STONE COLD KILLA by SYKKUNO THE RAPPER: • • STONE COLD KILLA BY SYKKUNO THE RAPPER • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Check out my Among Us Sussy Sundays Playlist! • • Among Us Sussy Sundays • ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE SUBSCRIBE! • Also, don't forget to click the Notification Bell so you won't miss a single upload! • #yunosykk #jeanpaul #thecompany #nopixel #nopixel4 #gta #gta5 #gtarp #gtaroleplay #gtanopixel #gtanopixel4 #raymondromanov #benjiramos #ott #martybanks #sykkuno #xqc #rayc #lysium #omie #lagtvmaximusblack #characterdevelopment #lossantos