John Deere 6310 Front Hub Seal Replacement Part One
In this video Dad and I start replacing the front hub seal on the John Deere 6310. • • Welcome to my channel. I am a Diesel Mechanic and part time farmer working on the family farm situated in Southern Victoria, Australia. • On my channel expect to find a variety of farming and mechanical videos. • Our family has been farming in the area for over 140 years (4 generations). • On the current family farm of 600 acres (242 hectares), expect to see farming as it would have been done during the 1970/80's with farming equipment like the Massey Ferguson 3505 and 135 tractors, John Deere 955 (Combine Harvester) as well as sowing and tillage implements of the same era. • Our family also runs stock such as Dohne sheep, Angus cattle and some dairy cows. • My mechanical videos can vary from How-To's, working on my 79 Series Toyota Landcruiser and repairing farm machinery. • If you are into farming, farm machinery, mechanical videos, or if you just like looking at me, hit the button. • Things you might need when viewing this channel a rag covered in grease and hydraulic oil, a box of Arnotts barbecue shapes and a ice cold VB or red cordial. • Disclaimer, I may be a qualified mechanic but I hold the right make it up as I go and am not held responsible for issues arising from advise given in these videos. All mechanical repairs should be carried out by a qualified professional. • Title: John Deere 6310 Front Hub Seal Replacement. Part One • • #johndeere #johndeereaustralia #hubseal #montage