Grafting Organ Transplants and Immunosuppression


Tall peaked T waves are seen in leads V2-V4 (C2-C4). Description at: • In addition, there is prominent negative component for P wave in lead V1 (C1) suggestive of left atrial enlargement and tall R waves in V5, V6 (C5, C6) indicating left ventricular hypertrophy. Tall T waves could occur both in hyperkalemia and hyperacute phase of acute myocardial infarction. Occasionally tall T waves are seen as normal variants as well. Tall T waves in lateral leads along with tall R waves may be noted in left ventricular volume overload. But in this ECG tall T waves are not seen in the leads with tall R waves. In hyperacute phase of myocardial infarction, the tall T waves have associated ST segment elevation or a rapidly upsloping ST segment (Pardee’s sign).


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